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6 April Fool’s Day Ideas for You & Your Friends in Athens

With April Fool’s Day nearly upon us, you want to be one of the foolers and not one of the foolees this year, so here are a few ideas for you.

Let’s have some fun for April Fool’s Day!

  • Go to a dollar store and ask how much each item costs. They love that! Don’t really do that, as that might annoy them. The dollar stores do have great deals, though, and after you save money on your affordable Athens rent thanks to University Rentals, you can buy some great April Fool’s gags at the dollar stores.
  • Walk around talking into your shoe like it is a shoe phone. See if anyone notices. If anyone asks what you are doing, you can tell them you are calling a toe truck.
  • Tell your friends that tuition is going up due to the Ohio rent charges that the university has to pay the state. I am confident a few people will believe you.
  • Tell your dog that you accidentally bought him cat food. I don’t think he will fall for it, but you will have fun.
  • Pretend to count the bricks on any of the sidewalks in town. Then, tell people who ask that you are the Brick Inspector. If anyone asks you what you are doing, just act frustrated that they made you lose count.
  • Go up to someone who is dressed nicely and say “Your shirt is on fire!” Then pull on their shirt until it becomes loose and then say, “Now it’s out.” It’s a classic bad joke for April Fool’s Day. PS: Don’t get a black eye!

One thing that isn’t a joke is where you are going to rent your next home or apartment. University Rentals has the finest quality rentals in Athens, and we encourage you to check our listings or call our office today to set up an appointment to learn more about our rentals. Just don’t use your shoe phone.

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