roommate red flags
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Roommate Red Flags

If you are looking for a roommate for your Athens Ohio apartment, you will want to find a good match. To help you in your search, here are a few signs of a good match. And to be extra helpful, we also have some red flags that may mean a bad match.

Good match: Loves Athens and enjoys living with Bobcats!
Bad match: Enjoys living with actual bobcats.

Good match: Likes cleaning and cooking. Kind of like Monica from the tv show “Friends.”
Bad match: Likes eating and making messes. Asks if you are the butler.

Good match: Is able to pay the rent and is reliable.
Bad match: Is able to pay the rent but is a Kardashian.

Good match: Talented musician who can play guitar or keyboard in the evenings or at social events.
Bad match: Talented musician who wants to play the bagpipes every day.

Good match: Caring person who looks out for others.
Bad match: Caring person who dresses up like a bat and fights crime.

Good match: Easy going person who will not bring too many friends over or take over the apartment.
Bad match: When angered, turns into a giant green Hulk who smashes walls and chairs.

A few signs to look for when searching for a roommate for your Athens rental

Good match: Has a great looking car that is easy to park. Also, will offer to give you rides to the grocery store and other places.
Bad match: Drives a monster truck that will look awesome but will also smash your car.

Good match: Keeps themselves very clean by bathing and showering regularly.
Bad match: Cleans themselves regularly by bathing in the kitchen sink.

Good match: Works from home over the computer for a great job that provides money for rent.
Bad match: Works from home over the computer for a great job that provides money for rent. However, that job involves playing the drums in your house every day, starting early in the morning.

Good match: Grows flowers and other amazing plants in the apartment.
Bad match: Grows bees and mosquitoes in the apartment.

Good match: Loves to cook and offers to prepare every meal.
Bad match: Puts mustard in every meal that they prepare.

Good match: Loves going to the grocery store to pick out food.
Bad match: Hates actually paying for any of the groceries.

Good match: Enjoys vacuuming.
Bad match: Enjoys vacuuming at 3 a.m.

Good match: Loves University Rentals apartments!
Bad match: Actually, there is no bad match for this one, everyone loves University Rentals apartments!

To find the best apartments or houses in rent in Athens Ohio, contact our leasing agents today. And good luck finding your roommate for your new Athens Ohio apartment. We’re sure you will find a good match!

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